Retail Shelving

Retail Shelving Units are an essential requirement for any supermarket, newsagents or grocers, as well as a diverse range of other environments. It is functional yet completely adaptable for almost any merchandise or product.
Retail Shelving is supplied in a assortment of sizes from 1m high to 3m high for varying merchandising uses, many size options from 500mm wide to 1250mm wide that are easily joined to create a complete wall or area of uninterrupted shop shelving. Continuous shelving throughout can be achieved by combining corner units. Wall units and Gondolas which are ideal and often used for centre aisle use. We also supply Display units for Newspapers, Magazines, Bakery and Clothing. Our Shop shelving is UK sourced for fast delivery and comes with published weight bearing figures for reassurance if wanting to hold heavier items. We also offer an optional nationwide fitting service. Please note that all below units can be joined to for a run or to cover your particular space, if needing any help or a quotation we would love to assist so call free on 0800 002 9156.